New in our Collectible catalogue:
William Levy – Jeremiad Chants
(An Absolute Polemic)
“For behold, I send among thee serpents, adders which cannot be charmed, And they shall bite you … ‘ Jeremiah, VIII, 17.
Jeremiad Chants, subtitled An Absolute Polemic, was published independently by William Levy and illustrator Peter Pontiac in 1979. With a print run of only 500 copies and Fluxus artist Willem de Ridder as a designer, this little book is a true countercultural gem. Levy’s seductively packaged but caustic chapters would form the core of his larger Natural Jewboy, which was published by Ins & Outs Press two years later and also had Peter Pontiac and Willem de Ridder as partners in crime. ‘From Slavery to Boredom’, one of those chapters, is a recurrent chant of disillusionment, ‘A Call for Chaos’ a subversive invocation, ‘Nihilism in The Netherlands’ a scathing analysis of Dutch progressive and literary circles, and God Help the Rich, the Poor Can Shift’ and ‘Crystal Night’ penetrating investigations into the power of the written word. All available copies of Jeremiad Chants are in fine condition and supplied directly by William Levy. Read more & order →