New in our Moloko Plus catalogue:
(published by Moloko Print, 2020)
The Moloko compilation Traumland, beautifully designed by Robert Schalinski, brings together nine of Trakl’s hallucinatory prose fragments and prose poems plus a small number of aphorisms. Eight of the prose pieces have been illustrated in watercolour by Dutch artist Ben Schot. Among the selected prose is Trakl’s juvenile work Traumland. Eine Episode, which was published in the Salzburger Volkszeitung in 1906 when Trakl was 19 years old. Other prose poems have been culled from the posthumous compilations Sebastian im Traum (1915) and Offenbarung und Untergang (1947) and various other sources. Together the pieces form a surprising selection of tales and imagery that transcend poetry and prose and take the reader to the sublime highs and lows of Trakl’s intoxicated mind.