Slowscan #42 now available from Sea Urchin:
Enzo Minarelli – Live in San Francisco
Enzo Minarelli (1951) published his ‘Manifesto of Polypoetry’ in 1987. It contains a theory of Minarelli’s one-man performances, of which sound poetry, performance art and videos form integral parts. Two of the statements in this manifesto are ‘The exploitation of sound has no limits’ and ‘Polypoetry is devised and realized for live shows; it gives to sound poetry the role of a prima donna’. Slowscan vol. 42 contains several examples of Minarelli’s Polypoems, all of which were recorded live during Other Minds Festival 23, ODC Theatre San Francisco, April 9th-14th 2018. The LP is an excellent cross section of Minarelli’s poetic output and conveys his energetic showmanship on stage, even though the visual aspect of the performances is lacking.
Minarelli has been active as a poet and a theorist of sound poetry since the early 1970s. He has written various books and essays on the subject, published book-objects, records, CDs and cassettes and founded his 3ViTre, a magazine in the shape of an LP, in 1983. He has collaborated with various international artists, institutes and radio channels and has curated numerous shows and programmes about sound poetry.
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